Lirik Lagu "Valentine's Day" oleh Tompi
Sista, can you see the stars so bright tonite
Bring some warm to fill our heart
Tell us that love can give joy and happiness
Brother, just forget about the pain
That you got from her
There are love for you out there
Just walk out and you will see
Love to hold in your arms
Reff :
Happy Valentine's day from me to everybody
Everyone is in love today
Bring lot of love in many ways
Baby, don't you know that love is so beautiful
When your hand is in my hand
When your heart speak to mine
Just close your eyes, feel my heart
People, just open your eyes and free your mind
No more cries and no more lies
Build the bridge that falling down
A way to go, to feel our love
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Sista, can you see the stars so bright tonite
Bring some warm to fill our heart
Tell us that love can give joy and happiness
Brother, just forget about the pain
That you got from her
There are love for you out there
Just walk out and you will see
Love to hold in your arms
Reff :
Happy Valentine's day from me to everybody
Everyone is in love today
Bring lot of love in many ways
Baby, don't you know that love is so beautiful
When your hand is in my hand
When your heart speak to mine
Just close your eyes, feel my heart
People, just open your eyes and free your mind
No more cries and no more lies
Build the bridge that falling down
A way to go, to feel our love
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anda sedang bernyanyi? jika ada reques lirik silahkan komentar bro :*